Go to Run Regina

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon Begins in

28 Weeks
02 Days
10 Hours
39 Mins
14 Secs

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon is on right now!

Courses / Maps

Click on the links below to download the latest PDF versions of the course maps:

42.2K Full Marathon/Relay Course Map

21.1K Half Marathon Course Map

10K Course Map

Night Owl 5K Course Map

Family 5K Course Map

Mini Marathon Courses.pdf

NOTE: In order to react to the most recent city road construction and ensure the safety of all participants and volunteers, all courses can be subject to change, up to and including race day. Any map updates are usually made a few days prior to race weekend. You may note that some maps are labeled with a previous year. If so, that typically means that the course for that event has not changed, and the map is still valid and correct for the current year.

Thank you to our sponsors & community partners.