Go to Run Regina

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon Begins in

26 Weeks
04 Days
16 Hours
53 Mins
46 Secs

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon is on right now!


Volunteers keep us running...and walking...and, depending how the day is going, sometimes crawling!

The GMS Queen City Marathon requires hundreds of volunteers to work in many different areas over race weekend: in the days before the race, during the race, and following the race.

Want to be a part of the race day excitement?  If so, this is the job for you!
Roles will include:

Crowd control - help direct participants and spectators and assist with race site safety.
Medals - prepare medals for distribution to participants at the Finish line.
Post-Race Food Tent - help keep the post-race food supply neat and tidy.
Bag Drop Tent - collect participant race bags prior to the race, keep them secure, and distribute bags back to participants after the race.
Information Tent - answer participant and spectator questions
Family Fun Zone - ensure the safety of children playing in the Family Fun Zone area. 

Green Team - assist people with ensuring garbage and recyclables are put in proper containers and keep Start/Finish area clean.

Course Marshals line the race course to ensure participants are safe and stay on the course.  Feel free to dress up and cheer on the participants during the race.

Love meeting new people and being a part of the pre-race excitement?  At Package Pickup you will help participants get ready for race day by providing them with their bibs, shirts and participant’s "goody" bags.

Love meeting new people and being a part of the pre-race excitement?  At Package Pickup you will help participants get ready for race day by providing them with their bibs, shirts and participant’s "goody" bags.

Your role is to provide detailed information about the courses of the various races being hosted on race weekend.  Offer support and answer questions from participants as well as their friends and families at the Expo/Package Pickup. This may include anything from answering questions about the course routes, event maps, providing alternate driving routes, etc.

Enjoy meeting new people?  Volunteers in the Merchandise Sales area at Package Pickup will help participants purchase Queen City Marathon merchandise.  Must be comfortable dealing with cash.  Knowledge of Square payment system is an asset.

Your role is to assist participants with registrations, event transfers, etc. under the direction of the Team Lead.

Volunteers for this position must be outgoing and enjoy working with the public.  A minimum of 5 years experience as a Queen City Marathon Package Pickup volunteer is recommended.  Experience with Square Payment System is an asset.

Cyclists are essentially the “eyes and ears” of the race and an incredible resource to runners, volunteers, officials and spectators. They act as guides for the participants, alert start and finish officials on race progress, assist course marshal volunteers and water stations on course during the race. Cyclists also monitor course conditions including making sure the integrity of the course signage and security is maintained throughout the marathon event.

Please Note that as a Cyclist for the event, you must provide and use your own bicycle as the Queen City Marathon does not provide one.

The medical team is the first line of intervention in the safety of our runners in the start/finish line area.  Your role is to identify participant's that require attention and ensure they are directed to the medical tent.

To volunteer for this position you must be one of the following:
Nurses, Doctors, Paramedics, Firefighters, Nursing Students, Medical Students, First Aiders, Lifeguards, etc.

You will be helping with the delivery and set up of misc gear (fencing, tables, signage, etc) to various areas around the race site such as the start/finish line, medical tent, infield, etc.  All work is located at the Conexus Arts Centre. 

Volunteers must be willing to work in a team environment, be fit and able to lift heavy equipment up to 30 lbs (13kg) .

After the completion of all races on Sunday, this crew will assist with the take down of all event elements and loading of all equipment/supplies into trucks for delivery back to the storage bins.

Volunteers must be willing to work in a team environment, be fit and able to lift heavy equipment up to 30 lbs (13kg) .

We understand that this great event could not be possible without our hard-working team of volunteers. In recognition of your tremendous work and enthusiasm, all volunteers of the GMS Queen City Marathon will receive a special commemorative technical volunteer T-shirt and an invitation to our Volunteer Appreciation night.

Plus there's always a very good chance of getting a high-five and a big, sweaty hug from a grateful runner or walker! Now THAT'S job satisfaction!

Thank you to our sponsors & community partners.