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The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon Begins in

34 Weeks
04 Days
01 Hours
43 Mins
50 Secs

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon is on right now!

AGM / Bylaws

The GMS Queen City Marathon and its affiliated events are run by Queen City Marathon Inc., a volunteer non-profit organization incorporated under the Province of Saskatchewan non-profit corporations act, registration number 101030474. Our Federal Business Number is 85440 0934 RM001. Our Canada Revenue Agency GST number is 85440 0934 RT0001.

The bylaws of Queen City Marathon Inc. can be viewed by clicking on the link at the top of this page.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Queen City Marathon Inc. is held each year in March, wrapping up the financial affairs of the previous year and electing/re-electing members to the QCM Inc. board of directors for the coming year. 

Interested parties are invited through a mass email sent to the previous year's participants.

The year-end for Queen City Marathon Inc. is November 30th. Audited financial statements are submitted each year to the Corporations Branch of the Government of Saskatchewan, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as set out in the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) handbook.

If you wish to receive a copy of our most recent financial statement, please make your request by clicking here for our contact page, or by emailing runqcm@hotmail.com.

Thank you to our sponsors & community partners.