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The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon Begins in

28 Weeks
02 Days
12 Hours
04 Mins
43 Secs

The 25th Annual GMS Queen City Marathon is on right now!


SportStatsWest was the official live, in-person timing and results company of the 2024 GMS Queen City Marathon.

If you spot an error in your live, in-person race results - a name spelled incorrectly, a wrong Male/Female category, an age mix-up or whatever - please email SportStatsWest directly at correctionswest@sportstats.one and remember to include your name, your approximate finishing time, and the event in which you participated.

Past results

Age 3-4 (1K)
Age 5-7 (2K)
Age 8-10 (3K)
Age 11-14 (3K)

Age 5-10 (3K)
Age 11-17 (3K)

Mini Marathon 3K

42.2K Run

21.1K Run

42.2K Relay


42.2K Wheeled

21.1K Walk

42.2K Walk


Family 5K

Night Owl 5K

Mini Marathon

Age 2-3 (400m)

Mini Marathon

Age 3-4 (1K)

Mini Marathon

Age 5-7 (2K)

Mini Marathon

Age 8-10 (3K)

Mini Marathon

Age 11-14 (3K)

Mini Marathon

Age 5-10 (3K)

Mini Marathon

Age 11-17 (3K)

Mini Marathon 3K

Super Masters 3K

Thank you to our sponsors & community partners.